City Officials
Mayor - Keith Swenson [email protected]
Council - Randy Tiegs [email protected] Council - Troy Koester [email protected] Council - Amy Hardel [email protected] Council - Lisa Steinborn [email protected] City Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer - Tim Pautsch Chief of Police - Eric Karels Water Superintendent - James Kroehler Public Works - Bruce Gustafson Fire Chief - Randy Tiegs Community Facilities - Amy Hardel Planning and Zoning Commission (PZ) - City Council, Amy Hardel (Chair) Economic Development (EDA) - City Council Henderson Area Fire District Joint Powers: Steve Sellner, Keith Swenson Nuisance/Health Officer (s): Henderson Police Department/Mayor Acting Mayor - Amy Hardel Emergency Management/Civil Defense Director - Tom Phillips Henderson Library Board - Cindy Jackelen, Lisa Steinborn, Jerry Johnson, Tosha Anderson (Director) Joseph R. Brown Heritage Society: Lon Berberich Personnel Committee: Keith Swenson, Amy Hardel Street/Equipment: Randy Tiegs, Steve Sellner Parks/Trail Committee/Tree Board: Randy Tiegs, Lucy Meyer, Mark Hardel, Terry Bovee Ron Walters, Jim Wartman, Jeff DuCharme, Steve Sellner Telecommunications: Mayor and City Council LS-H Community Education/Recreation Hendeson Area Chamber Representative: Amy Hardel Henderson Heritage Preservation - Julie Determan (chair), Pat Steckman, Arlene Busse Judy Loewe, Terry Bovee, Jeff Steinborn, Liaison Amy Hardel City Attorney - Jason Moran City Assessor - Sibley County Assessor/Open book in Henderson Equalization Committee: Randy Tiegs and Amy Hardel-certified City Auditor - Abdo, Eick, & Meyers Internal Controls- Mayor, City Council and city staff with specific duties for Payroll - Steve Sellner Utility Bills- Randy Tiegs Bills, budget, audit/EOM/EOQ/EOY- Amy Hardel, Randy Tiegs Trails Task Force - Jeff Steinborn, Keith Swenson, Amy Hardel, Martha Wavrin, Danielle Buesgens Denny Graham, Terry Bovee, Troy Koester, David Rice, Doug Thomas. Both the Hometown and First State Banks of Henderson are designated as official depositories for city funds for 2024 with checking and/or investment accounts to be established in both banks at the discretion of the City Treasurer. Insurance: Community Insurance of Henderson Henderson Independent as official newspaper Building Inspector: Jim Bauman Well and Tower Contracts: Thein and Water Tower Tank & Repair Evolution Media -manages website, social media Don Boehne Construction and Chase Boehne Snow Removal Nuisance/Health Officer (s): Henderson Police Department/Mayor/Building Inspector/other Appropriate Personnel-Many duties determined by statute Other information Franchise fees from: Metro-net, Mediacom-Cable TV; Xcel Electric, MN Valley Electric (service to Mapleridge) and Northwest Natural Gas. Various firms provide Internet/Fiber (at a minimum 3 Fiber optic lines in the City of Henderson) with no franchise fees. Sibley County Commissioners District 1 - Peter Koch District 2 - Christian Lilienthal District 3 - Lyle Grochow District 4 - Joe Kreger District 5 - Steve Saxton Minnesota House and Senate District 17B Bobbie Harder District 17 - Glen Gruenhagen |
Brought to you in part by the City of Henderson and Henderson Area Chamber